
Wednesday 30 November 2016

Knowledge Wednesday

This week's Knowledge Wednesday tip is to always remember that small cuts with an EQ make a big difference to the sound of the source and the overall mix.

Small cuts with an EQ remove problem frequencies and make space for important fundamental frequencies of other instruments that you want to prioritise in your mix.

Check in next week for more Knowledge Wednesday tips!

If you are looking for editing, mixing or mastering services, head over to www.jwaudioproductions.co.uk and get in touch via the contact page, I would love to hear about your next project!

Wednesday 16 November 2016

Knowledge Wednesday

This week's Knowledge Wednesday tip is to try starting your next mix by working into a mix buss.

Many home studio engineers including myself have worked on mixes in the past, spending time carefully attending to all the sounds that make up the mix only to come to the end of it, add what we think will be subtle changes and then suddenly what we set out to achieve has just become wildly different and moved the goal post again.

It is a common practice to mix into a working mix buss, but it's just at what point you discover this and try to implement it into your workflow.

To give you some idea of what I have on my mix buss for a typical rock mix - I use console emulation, tape saturation, EQ, compression and a limiter. They are all contributing small amounts to the 'bigger picture' and these decisions are what bring together the tens of hundreds of tracks that can be present in a session.

If you are looking for editing, mixing or mastering services, head over to www.jwaudioproductions.co.uk and get in touch via the contact page.

Knowledge Wednesday

This week's Knowledge Wednesday tip is to always remember to use the makeup gain on a compressor to match the output level with that of the input level.

If you've spent time balancing all your instruments and getting the right levels, don't make your work go to waste by using the make-up gain on the compressor and then losing track of the output levels before you added the compressor.

Matching the output level when using a compressor is all part of good gain staging.

If you are looking for editing, mixing or mastering services, head over to www.jwaudioproductions.co.uk and get in touch via the contact page.

Wednesday 2 November 2016

knowledge wednesday

This week's Knowledge Wednesday tip is for the musicians who are also engineers or producers.

One of the fundamental elements of recording with any instruments is the timing - make sure you are comfortable with a click track because the benefits transfer into more than just a uniform track. Editing becomes much easier, audio manipulation becomes cleaner and locking in with grooves in a live situation will become stronger.

Practice with a metronome to lock into the groove and ensure every take is super tight. This will improve your skills as a recording musician, producer and engineer.

Check back next week for more tips!